Our partner, the United Way of Lancaster, is holding their annual United We Play fundraising event on Friday, October 23rd at 6:00p.m. at Benford Brewing Co., 2271 Boxcar Road, Lancaster, SC 29720. The United We Play live concert event will feature music by American Jane, a Tom Petty tribute band.
The purpose of this event is to bring awareness and raise money for local programs and partner agencies so they can continue to serve Lancaster County residents with vital services and resources. Bring your chairs and blankets for a night of music and fun to support your local United Way. Tickets are on sale now and admission is $15.00 per person. Tickets can be purchased online at www.uwaylcsc.org.
For more information or to sponsor this event, visit www.uwaylcsc.org or call their office at 803-283-8923. This event will comply with all CDC guidelines & masks will be required in certain areas on premises.
